May You Guide
Is 58:11/Ps 48:14/Ps 139:10 - the Lord will guide you
Jn 16:13 - the Spirit will guide you
Job 14:15 - God calls, we answer
Gal 5:13 - serve one another
Lk 22:26-27 - let the greatest be one who serves
1 Pet 4:10 - use your gifts to serve others
Ps 145:14 - God lifts up all who fall
2 Cor 1:3-4 - God comforts so we can comfort
Rom 12:15 - mourn with those who mourn
Mt 5:4 - those who mourn will be comforted
Gal 6:2 - bear each other's burdens
Pr 19:21 - God's purpose prevails
Is 2:4/ Mic 4:3 - vision of swords into ploughshares
Rom 12:8/ Rom 14:19 - live at peace with everyone
Eph 4:32/ Col 3:12/ Zech 7:9 - be compassionate
1 Cor 13:8 - love never fails