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Crossroads United Church
"where life and Spirit meet"

690 Sir John A. MacDonald Blvd.
Kingston ON, K7M 1A2

email: admin@crossroadsunited.ca

Interim minister: Rev. Nadene Grieve-Deslippe

10:30am Sunday worship

    or live-stream here:
Online worship

News and Notices . . .

Holy Week Services

Maundy Thursday- 5:00pm - at Cookes-Portsmouth U.C.
- includes a meal and communion. Registration is required - sign-up sheet in the Narthex. (Need a ride? Sign up for car-pooling)

Good Friday - 10:00am - at Edith Rankin Memorial U.C.
(Need a ride? Sign up for car-pooling in the church narthex or contact the office)

Easter Sunday - 10:30am - at Crossroads

Crossroads Village

Correction Notice: Crossroads United Church would like to correct information contained in a September 27 article in the Kingston Whig Standard regarding the Crossroads Village project with Our Livable Solutions. The article stated that a lease with the church was not finalized. However, a lease between Crossroads United and OLS was signed Aug. 21 and then ratified by the Eastern Central Ontario Regional Council of the United Church of Canada on Sept. 3, 2024. The lease has been in effect since then.

Current Status: However, the project is currently on hold due to a funding issue involving the ability of OLS to cover staffing costs. Until OLS can resolve this issue, transferring the cabins and common module construction are unable to proceed, since staffing is a critical component of the plan. We are now waiting to hear what further steps can be taken in order to make our dream into a reality.

Background: At a meeting in early June, the Crossroads congregation voted to begin negotiations to lease a portion of its unpaved back lot to Our Livable Solutions to be used to situate up to 18 cabins. A service module with kitchen, laundry and washroom facilities would be included to form a community called "Crossroads Village". The lease would run for up to 10 years, giving some stability to the project which so far has had to move twice every year.

Further background info is found HERE

More information about Our Livable Solutions is found HERE

Livestream link to June 26, 2024 public information forum is found HERE

Crossroads featured in Broadview magazine

to check out this report of our Crossroads Village project featured in our United Church magazine

ARTICLE UPDATE on the Crossroads Village project - October 2024

Latest article January 2025

A new way to donate to Crossroads!

In addition to the
Canada Helps online deposit tool, you can now also use an e-transfer directly from your bank.

Complete the following steps for your e-transfer donation to Crossroads:
  1. Log on to your bank's on-line banking tool using your browser
  2. Select Interac “e-Transfer​”
  3. Select your bank account and enter the dollar amount​ of your donation
  4. Set-up “New Recipient” (if not already set-up for Crossroads) ​
  5. a) Select "Notify By" and enter this email address:
    b) Add or Save as your bank requests.​
  6. Select this New Recipient and complete the transaction as indicated on your screen.
  7. Send a separate email confirming your e-transfer to donations@crossroadsunited.ca
    In this email, please provide your full name, address, postal code, donation amount, etc. This will ensure donations are recorded correctly and an end-of-year tax receipt can be sent out in January for all accumulated donations above $20.​
  8. You will receive a confirmation email when your e-transfer donation has been processed.
Thank you for helping sustain Crossroads' ministry in these difficult times!

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hearing assistance availablehearing assistance available

New Office Hours
  Mon: closed
  Tues: 9:00am - 12 noon
  Wed: 11:00am - 2:00pm
  Thur: 9:00pm - 12 noon
  Fri:    closed

click here for a photo tour of our church facilities.

About the season: Lent
When: Lent consists of the forty days (plus 6 Sundays) before Easter (April 20 in 2025). It begins on Ash Wednesday (March 5 in 2025)
Meaning: "Lent" originally simply meant "Spring", when the days lengthen.
Colour: PURPLE
Event: a period of penitence (seeking forgiveness), and in remembrance of Christ's sacrifice.

Does your group need financial assistance?
click here!
to find out how our outreach committee can help.

Green at Cross- roads
click here to find out more about green initiatives at Crossroads, including our 10kW solar array as we live out our commitment to "Live with respect in Creation"