Crossroads United Church formed from an amalgamation of two Kingston Ontario churches, Queen Street United and St. Margaret's United in 2010. For more details, check out the amalgamation information box to the right.
Crossroads United Church, as a congregation of the United Church of Canada, is a welcoming and supportive community of Christians that gathers to worship, seeks spiritual growth and humbly works to advance God's justice in the world.
In a busy, confusing world it's good to know that we do not have to face our challenges alone.
At Crossroads, we believe that by deepening our relationship with God and one another we can discover the spiritual resources
we need to meet the demands of modern living.
We believe a church should be a community of people who love one another, challenge one another,
and support one another as they work together to further God's work in the world.
Each week we gather in worship to deepen our relationship with God and discover
where God is at work in our lives and world.
Our Worship is a mixture of traditional and contemporary. A senior choir,
the incorporation of visual projection technology and the occasional drama presentation
enhance the worship experience. Music may be accompanied by the organ, piano, clarinet or percussion.
About once a month, our New Sounds group adds guitars to the musical mix.
Plus, we occasionally feature new music in the form of original songs for worship from our unofficial "composer-in-residence".
Whatever your age, whether you're single, married, or divorced; whatever your social or economic situation or sexual orientation, whether you or your family have special needs, we invite you to become part of this community in Christ. Come see if Crossroads is the place where you can find a spiritual home.
CLICK HERE to view the complete text of our purpose and mission statements
A Green Future for Crossroads
Solar Panels for our sanctuary roof
The United Church's New Creed says that we are to "live with respect in creation", but our society isn't generally respectful in how we care for the earth. Now Crossroads is reducing its "carbon footprint" through an Ontario Power Authority program that promotes clean energy sources - in our case, by installing photovoltaic solar cells that produce electricity. The system became operational in September 2012. Some features of the project are:
- a 10kW system that generates about $9000 worth of electricity /year
- carbon dioxide emissions reduced by 7 tonnes /yr if fossil fuels had generated that power
- 1.7 acres of forest would be needed to soak up that much CO2
- OPA's MicroFIT program offers a 20 year contract; the panels generally last for at least 25 years (power could still be sold after the contract expires, but at a lower rate)
- the church's use of power is paid for separately (and we pay for the power we use at a much lower rate)
- materials and installation cost about $65000
- over 20 years, Crossroads would sell about $170,000 worth of power (from which the original cost must be deducted), so this is practicing both ecological and financial stewardship over the long term. Much of the financing will come from redirecting existing church investments.

(L) replacing old roof (R) solar panels on W sanctuary roof

Click here
for more about the United Church
Our amalgamation story
Click here for details about the steps that we've take in our amalgamation journey.
Click here for Dan Norman's detailed history of the amalgamation
About our logo
Adopted in 2010, the logo illustrates two crossing roads at the bottom, representing our location at the intersection of two busy roads in Kingston,
as well as the way in which our lives and our faith intersect. The rays of the sun illustrate the light that our faith shines on our lives, and the colours (purple and green) are the most common colours
of the liturgical year (purple during the 40 days of Lent, and green between Pentecost and Advent).
"This is what the Lord says: stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient ways, ask where the good path is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls" - Jeremiah 6:16
Final Report of the Visioning Group
Click here for details